Thursday, February 23, 2012

Eric - Week 2

It was another busy week for Eric. He got to meet Grandpa Jerry, Aunt Jenny, Cousins Kendra and Tyler, Great Aunt Trudy and Uncle Shawn, Grandpa Jones and was a star at the Great Nana & Papa's 80th Birthday party. He had two weeks to get back to his birth weight which he way surpassed by getting up to 7 lbs 12 oz. Mom and Dad are getting used to a new routine and still trying to catch up on sleep.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our Birth Story

Friday, February the 3rd was a VERY busy day for Kelley (especially since the 3rd-the 5th all feel like one day to her). She had breakfast with Jon before he left for work, she took the dog for a mile long walk, then came home to do yardwork. She raked leaves, pulled weeds, mowed the front yard, bathed the dog, cleaned the house, and went into labor at 5pm. We weren't sure it was the "real thing" until 7pm, when the water broke. We labored at home until 5am when the contractions were close together and intense, and then Grandma Schmidt drove us to the Birth Center of Gainesville. Grandma and Grandpa Shute followed close behind. Upon arrival at the Birth Center at 6:30 am, we found out that we were 5 cm dilated. We spent a few hours laboring in the tub, and had the freedom to eat, drink and move around as we pleased in a quiet peaceful environment. By 10 am we were ready to push! We thought that Eric would be in our arms in a matter of minutes, but he had other plans. After an hour and a half of pushing, we realized that he wasn't coming without help, so were were taken to Shands Hospital by ambulance. Eric was born at 12:19 with a little help, and only local anesthesia. While we were hoping for a peaceful waterbirth, we had the peaceful, unmedicated labor that we wanted, and Eric came to us safely in his own way. We could not be more in love with Eric Raymond Shute!

Eric's First Week

Here are some pictures of Eric's first week. We were at Shands until Sunday night, then on Monday we had to be admitted into the hospital due to jaundice. We were released on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday, we went to the doctor for a check up, then we introduced Eric to Great Nana and Papa Shute, and Great Grandma and Grandpa Weatherford and Great Aunt Donna and Uncle Don. Thursday we were re-admitted to the hospital for jaundice, and we were discharged late Friday night. What a week! We are so thankful that Eric's jaundice went away, and that we can now enjoy him at home! Caution: Please excuse the appearance of the exhausted parents!

Maternity Photos:

Here are some pictures of our trip to Iceland in May: